Useful tips to save fuel cost of your motorbike

Fuel is known as a blood of any motorbike. In Bangladesh fuel price has been raising gradually for last five years. Now it is around 100 taka. Its become almost double compare to last few years. Now a days, Increasing fuel cost is become a matter of concern for the bike owner.
What ever the brand it is but fuel cost is one of the essential matter of a bike. There are some bike, that generally known as low fuel consume bike. For example: Bajaj Discover 100, TVS Metro. We
can reduce our fuel cost by following some important steps.
Steps can be divided into two section:
1. Change of bike riding approach
2. Maintenance of bike
1. Change of bike riding approach
If we follow some instruction in the time of riding then it will help us to reduce our fuel cost. Some instruction are discussed below.
Riding speed
Speed is a relative matter with fuel consumption. You should not raise your speed rapidly its waste huge fuel. You should not ride your bike in high speed. It is better to ride your bike within 60 to 70 km. It will reduce your fuel cost and will give you more control on your motorbike.
Generally we have seen in our county, that bike rider usually stay in traffic jam with keeping their engine in starting mood. It waste fuel, so need to keep engine in stop mood in that types of situation.
Try to avoid doubling. It creates pressure on engine as a result it consumes more fuel.
Braking system
If you brake frequently then it will use more fuel.
2. Maintenance of bike
Maintenance is a very important matter for any machine. More you take care of your machine it will provide you more smooth performance.
Use pure fuel
You should not used obscure fuel. Bad fuel create problem to burn in the engine, as a result it hampers the engine function as well as increase the cost of fuel.
Keep clean your carburetor
Carburetor is a mixer house of oil and air. This mixer send to the engine and engine create energy to run a bike. Carburetor also determine the measure of fuel, that would be send to the engine. So, if our carburetor remain unclear, then it may carry some wastage, that will create problem in burning. Again if your carburetor do not tuned well then it will supply extra fuel in engine but engine only used that amount of fuel which is needed. It increased misuses of fuel and also make trouble in plug.
Keep air filter clean
Air is a important element to run an engine and air filter provides proper air to carburetor. Unclear air filter can not supply proper air to carburetor as a result it make difficulty in fuel burning within the engine. So it is another reason to make your fuel cost higher.
Look after your chain
Net and clean chain will provide right speed to your bike and we all know right speed is one of the methods of reducing the cost of fuel.
Take care of tire
Inflate your bikes tyres to the highest pressure that suggested by the manufacture and make sure your wheels are properly aligned. It will not only reduce your fuel cost it will also extend tyre life .
Clean your Sparks Plug
Plug is a very important parts of a bike. Plug helps the engine to start by creating spark in the engine. Spark depends on the correct gap of the plug but gap can be reduce for some reason. For example : CARBON DEPOSITS, OIL DEPOSITES,PREIGNITION etc. So, it is very important to clean your bike's plug regularly and replace it in right time. Net and clean plug will reduce your fuel cost.
Motorbike is made by lots of small and large parts and all parts are important. So it is essential that after a certain time you should servicing your motorbike. Damage or faulty parts can create problem, such as it may consume more fuel than needed. So, look after your bike to drive smoothly with comfort.
Safe and happy biking.