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What is NOS?


What is NOS?


There are some brand those are so much popular as a result original products are known in that brand name. For example: most of the people known motorcycle in the name of Honda. Similarly engine lubricant known as Mobile. Same as NOS(Nitrous Oxide Systems) is a brand name and main product of this brand is Nitrous Oxide supply system.

What is Nitrous Oxide?
Nitrous Oxide is a colorless gas with a sweetish smell, prepared by heating ammonium nitrate. It produces exhilaration or anesthesia when inhaled and is used as an anesthetic and as an aerosol propellant.

Nitrous Oxide is formed when nitrogen (N2) combines with oxygen (O2).

How does Nitrous Oxide works?
we all know, we need oxygen to make fire. Thats why, it is very essential to mixed air with fuel in engine. This mixture air help spark plug to create fire in engine. It generate around 300 degree Celsius hit within engine as a result Nitrous Oxide divided and it separate Oxygen. Oxygen helps to burn fuel nicely, As much as your engine get oxygen it will burn fuel more perfectly. At the same time it will increased your bike speed.

In addition, Nitrogen decrease the hit of air as a result it increased air compactness. With the help of this system, it supply more air in same ratio at a time and engine can get much Oxygen to burn fuel.

Is it safe to use?
Safety is totally depend on you. Nitrous Oxide will help to burn your engine fuel more efficiently and at the same time it will increased your bike speed. If you want to experienced this wonderful opportunity then you have to follow some rules.

1. Do not use it all time. It can be harmful for your engine .
2. Make sure that you have enough control over to your motorbike. Otherwise you might be in danger.

Nitrous Oxide Systems is a nice system it will provide your bike speed and at the same time it will reduce you fuel cost. Now It is your responsibility to decided whether you want to use this system or not.

Safe and happy biking.

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