Currently there is a severe flood situation in the country, and many parts of the country are inundated, the water is crossing the danger line and everything from people's houses has been submerged in many areas, taking care of your bike is very difficult in this situation, but we have to try if...
English BanglaAlthough the motorcycle is a daily use item, many times the motorcycle is not used for a long time due to various reasons, as we have seen during the lockdown, and most recently in the condition of the country, many people are not able to ride their bike. If a bike is not used for a long time, s...
English Banglaইয়ামাহার সাথে জড়িত আপনার সকল সৃতিকে একত্রিত করে সৃতির আবেগতাড়িত একটি বিশেষ ভার্চুয়াল ইভেন্ট আয়োজন করেছে ইয়ামা...
Bangla Englishবাংলাদেশে লিফান মোটরসাইকেল ব্রান্ড দীর্ঘদিন যাবত অল্পদামের মধ্যে স্পোর্টস, কমিউটার এবং প্রিমিয়াম কোয়ালিটির স...
Bangla English