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How to clean motorcycle spark plug

Few things you will need
For cleaning the spark plug few things are needed and they are
1. Spark plug socket wrench (you can find it at the motorcycle toolbox).
2. Metal-wire brush.
3. Clean fabric.
4. Air blower (optional).
5. Sand paper.

The way you clean it
1. Using your hand twist the cap of the spark plug carefully and open it.
2. You will find the plug wrench in the tool box and with its help drag out the spark plug from the engine, twist it anti-clock rotation.
3. Using the finger you can free it.
4. Used spark plug will look like this picture,
5. Keep a sand paper always at the tool box. Following the picture process, clean it carefully. Use the metal-wire brush if it needed. Make sure the spark gap remains the same. At last using the air blower clean the dust.
6. After cleaning it with the help of your finger place the plug and twist it hardly, twist it at the same way of clock rotation.
7. Fixed the spark plug with the help of socket wrench. Don’t place it very hard or else it can be broken.
8. After doing all place the plug cap properly and start your engine. If your bike wasn’t starting because of spark plug then it is solved and IN-SHA-ALLAH the engine will start.
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